1717: First known attempts to unify various Druid groups in England
1781: Foundation of the Ancient Order of Druids (AOD) in England: Henry Hurle
1857: The United Ancient Order of Druids (UAOD) USA approaches British Orders to consider an amalgamation of all Druid societies throughout the world
1861: efforts to reunify AOD / UAOD England failed
1906: H. Fricke, UAOD Germany, succeeds in arranging a meeting with UAOD England at Hull
1908: Foundation of the International Grand Lodge of Druidism at Munich with representatives from England, USA and Germany
1913: Under the presidency of F. Askew (England) and with H. Fricke, Germany, as Vice-President a representative gathering of delegates from the Druid Orders of the world takes place in London. Australia, Sweden and New Zealand are present. Arrangements concluded for meeting in conference every five years. Interruption by World War I. Continued 1923.
1949: After World War II congress activities continue at Malmoe / Sweden. Denmark joins IGLD.
1955: Membership Norway
1976: Switzerland integrated
1996: UAOD Norway charters 1st Druid Lodge in Reykjavik / Iceland
2001: First UAOD Lodge in Finland chartered by UAOD Sweden
2004: 25th IGLD World Congress at Hamar / Norway. Revision of Constitution
2008: IGLD`s Centenary at Munich. Membership UAOD Iceland
2012: UAOD Denmark arranged World Congress in Copenhagen
2016: IGLD 28. World Congress, New Zealand
2020: IGLD 29. World Congress, Sweden, Malmö, cancelled by Corona Pandemic
2024: IGLD 30. World Congress, Norway, Stavanger